Buy Psychedelic Mushrooms Online


Buy Psychedelic Mushrooms Online

Psilocybin mushrooms (AKA magic mushrooms, or shrooms) is the name given to fungi that contain psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound.


Buy Psychedelic Mushrooms Online

Buy Psychedelic Mushrooms Online. Hallucinogenic mushrooms are available in fresh form, treated/preserved (e.g. deliberately dried, cooked, frozen) or even as dry powders or capsules.

The fungi containing psilocybin and psilocin mainly belong to the genuses Psilocybe, Panaeolus and Copelandia and their number exceeds 50 species. Most of the mushrooms containing psilocybin are small brown or tan mushrooms.

In the wild, these mushrooms are easily mistaken for any number of non-psychoactive,inedible, or poisonous mushrooms. This makes them difficult, and potentially hazardous, to identify.

It is difficult to distinguish non-psilocybin species from the hallucinogenic ones by morphological observation in the wild, psilocybin-containing mushrooms may also be easily ingested unintentionally.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms resemble the common store mushroom Agaricus bisporus, although the flesh of Psilocybe mushrooms characteristically turns blue or green when bruised or cut. An identification method based on a genetic approach has been developed.

A different species of mushroom, Amanita muscaria (fly agaric), produces a state of delirium that also includes hallucinations, but its primary active agents are muscimol and ibotenic acid.

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1/2 ounce, 1 ounce, 1/2 pound, 1 pound